As some of you know, Rylan has congenital hip dysplasia and is in a Pavlik harness 23/7. She loves the one hour a day that she gets to spend without the harness. During that hour, she gets a little bit of tummy time and she gets her bath. Needless to say, that hour is her favorite time of the day, not to mention she LOVES bath time! For her bath, we use the Summer Infant Clean Rinse Baby Bather.
I love the flexibility of the Clean Rinse Baby Bather. It can be used in three locations, the countertop, in a sink, or in a bathtub. This bather is perfect for parents of newborns. I started using the baby bather when Rylan was about a month old and kept it on the countertop. I did this because she didn’t have control of her yet so I didn’t have to worry about her head accidentally going in the water. The water easily flowed into the sink leaving my countertop dry. Now that she is a little older I typically bathe her in the sink, but every now and then I do give her a bath in my bathtub. The Clean Rinse Baby Bather reclines in three different positions, and it folds down making it easy to store, and travel with. I usually store it under my kitchen sink, and I packed it in the car when we took a road trip to visit our family for Christmas. It took up very little space. In addition, the bather comes in three colors, aqua, pink, and gray. Its quick-drying soft material provides maximum comfort and easy cleaning and helps prevent mold and mildew.
As you can see we have the bather in aqua. It can be used from birth until your little one is sitting up unassisted. Summer Infant recommends a maximum weight of 20 pounds in the sink or bathtub, and 13 pounds maximum on a countertop. Retailing for only $24.99, this bather is very affordable, making it the perfect gift to give to expectant parents. Being a new parent is already stressful so make the transition a little easier by adding the Summer Infant Clean Rinse Baby Bather to your registry.
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