I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend! I am truly thankful for all of the men and women who have served our great country. I spent my Memorial Day Weekend in New Orleans. What started out as a not so great vacation due to the rainy drive down to Louisiana ended on a high note with the birth of my best friend’s baby girl on Memorial Day evening. Read more
In my second post about Necessities for Your New Baby, I will be talking about the mattress for your baby’s crib. In my last post which can be found here,, I discussed my my search for a crib. In case you missed it, I purchased McKenna’s crib at SimplyBabyFurniture.com. I also purchased her mattress from this site as well. SimplyBabyFurniture.com had a special when I bought my crib, that would give me a discount on a mattress. They are currently running similar specials. Read more
When I started shopping for all of the things my newborn would need, it was somewhat overwhelming. There are so many brands to shop from, and half of the items I purchased I felt like I didn’t even use. Now when my friends find out that they are going to become a mother they usually contact me to find out what they really need and what can be left at the store. This has lead me to this series of posts which I have dubbed “Necessities for Your New Baby”. Well let’s get started with something every baby will need, a crib. Read more
I just got back Sunday from my friend’s destination wedding in Playa del Carmen. It was an amazing experience, but I was glad to be back home to my Little Me. The newly weds definitely set the bar high for their destination wedding experience. I am happy to say that I was able to fit all of my stuff for the weekend in my Louis Vuitton bag so I did not have to pay the carry on fee while flying Spirit Airlines. I was actually stopped by a few people so they could tell me how impressed they were by me packing so light for the weekend. Read more