As many of you know, I love to travel, and most of the time I bring McKenna along with me. Ninety-nine percent of the time I travel by air, because let’s face it, traveling with a child in a car for more than an hour can become a nightmare, unless they end up sleeping the entire time. With all that being said, I have mastered the art of traveling with McKenna, and a lot of it has to do with how often we travel. McKenna took her first flight at three months old and currently she has flown over 50 times. Traveling by airplane was more convenient for us because we live five minutes from the airport, but it was also easy on our budget because McKenna was able to fly for free as a lap child. Now that she has just turned two, I have to pay for an individual seat for her and paying for two flights versus one is not good for my bank account. Knowing ahead of time how much we had traveled and planned to travel, I knew I had to figure out a way to still be able to fly without doubling the costs to do so. Lucky for me, I found a solution, called Southwest Airlines Companion Pass. Read more
I hope everyone had a great and safe New Year! The holidays flew by way too fast for my liking! I know lots of people are making New Year’s resolutions, and many of them include loosing weight. I plan to shed some pounds starting tomorrow because I am eating a delicious cookie as I am typing this. I woke up super early this morning because I drove in from Houston, and I needed to make it into work on time. So, I essentially am giving myself a free pass until I can get back to my normal work/life schedule. Read more
Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la…
I can’t believe Christmas is almost here! It really is the most wonderful time of the year. To kick off the month of December and my celebration of the holiday, I am taking a girls’ trip to New York City this weekend. Four of my best friends and I will be celebrating Christmas early together because we all live in different cities. One of my friends is coming all the way from London! Read more
When Is The Best Time To Begin Traveling Without Your Children?
Little Me and Free/ TravelAs I am sitting in the Centurion Lounge at the DFW airport, I notice that there are not many people in the lounge traveling with children. This brought me to the topic of my next blog post “When is the best time to begin traveling without your children?” This can be a touchy topic for most first time moms, since many do not want to leave their babies at home. However, there are some moms out there that could really use a little vacation and don’t mind traveling without their little ones, even if it is just for a few days. Read more