This year McKenna decided that she finally wanted to learn to ride her bike without training wheels, the only problem was she had outgrown her bike. So my sweet dad started researching children’s bicycles to help me figure out what would be the best bike for her. After lots of reading my dad and I narrowed down the perfect bike for her, which was a woom bike. So, I reached out to them to see if they would be interested in partnering with me and they said YES! Needless to say, I was thrilled and so was my dad because he was the one who was teaching her how to ride her bike.

Woom makes bicycles for children ages 1 1/2 – 14 years old, so Rylan was lucky enough to receive a bike from woom as well. After taking the proper measurements we determined that Rylan needed a woom 1 and McKenna needed a woom 3. Woom 1 through woom 6 bikes comes in five color options, woom red, woom green, sky blue, purple haze, and sunny yellow. Rylan chose sky blue and McKenna chose woom red. The bicycles come shipped almost completely assembled. The remaining assembly took less than five minutes for each bike.

The woom 1 is a balance bike so it doesn’t have pedals, but it does come with a hand break for the rear wheel. It is made with an aluminum frame and weighs 6.6 pounds. It is recommended for ages 1.5 to 3.5. Rylan is currently 23 months old and we have had the bikes for a few months. At first, she was very wobbly and needed my assistance getting on and off the bike. Now she is starting to push herself around and only needs my help to get off of the bike. It is so cute because when she wants to ride she goes and puts on her helmet and that’s how I know she is ready to ride go zoom on her woom. Retail is $199.

The woom 3 is also made with an aluminum frame and weighs only 11.7 pounds so it is easy to pick up. It is recommended for ages 4-6. The upright position makes it easy for riders to maintain their balance and at the same time keep an eye on everything going on around them. This makes it a great bike for little ones to learn to ride on without training wheels. It also has a front and rear hand break, making it easy for her little hands to slow down the bike. These bikes are so well made and will last a long time so once McKenna grows out of her woom 3 we will upgrade her to the woom 4 and pass her bike down to her sister. Retail is $389.
I am so proud of McKenna learning to ride her bike without her training wheels. I love seeing her riding around our neighborhood on her woom bike with her little sister not far behind. 🙂
Special thanks to woom for gifting the girls their bikes.
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