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Posted on July 3, 2017

Mommy and Me Monday – 4th of July 2017

Fashion/ Little Me and Free/ Mommy and Me Monday

If you have followed my blog for a while then you know that every year we take a trip with my parents to Destin, FL to celebrate the 4th.  Tomorrow I will be driving six hours from Orlando to Destin to meet my parents there. Disney World has been fabulous, I mean it is the happiest place on earth, but Destin is also a fabulous destination to visit. If you have never visited Destin, FL then you should definitely put it on your list. The white sandy beaches and aqua water look like something out of a post card, plus there are lots of good restaurants in the area you can visit while you are there. One of my favorite places to go to while I am there is AJ’s. They always have a really good band, and a lot of people on the dance floor. Read more

Posted on June 26, 2017

Mommy and Me Monday – Watermelonicious

Fashion/ Little Me and Free/ Mommy and Me Monday

Good morning from Canada! I am currently in Canmore, Alberta Canada to celebrate my sweet friend, Amanda Miller’s wedding. This is my first time in Canmore and the scenery looks like something out of a post card. Our condo is surrounded by mountains, and the little town is so cute. I can’t wait to show you guys pictures. In the meantime here’s a watermelonicious Mommy and Me Monday post. Read more

Posted on May 22, 2017

Mommy and Me Monday – SwimZip

Fashion/ Little Me and Free/ Mommy and Me Monday

Happy Monday lovelies! With May being National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, I was happy to partner with SwimZip and their sister company, Shedo Lane, which I recently posted about. Both companies provide UPF apparel for infants to adults. SwimZip, which was on Shark Tank, creates swimwear for children. This sun protective clothing protects your little ones from harmful UV rays, which will decrease the chances of them getting a sunburn. Read more

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