During my adult life I have flown many places throughout the globe. Flying is a stressful situation for many people, adding an infant to that can make it even more stressful. Since all of my family lives out of town I can either drive the seven plus hours to get to my destination or take an hour plane ride. I prefer the plane ride. Although I cringe when I have to pay for a flight, I rather do this than keep my child strapped in a car seat and making extra stops during my trip without anyone to entertain her.
I started flying with McKenna when she was about three months old. As a first time parent, I had very little knowledge about what the do’s and don’ts were when flying with a child. Here are a few of the lessons and/or tricks I have discovered along the way flying with an infant.
- If you are breastfeeding make sure to carry your pump on with you. You would hate to be stuck on the plane with full breasts, a not so hungry baby, and no way to relieve yourself.
- You are allowed to bring as much breast milk and formula that you need with you on the plane. Please keep in mind that when you go through security your breast milk/formula will be tested and scanned by TSA. Please give yourself extra time as this can take 5-10 minutes depending on how much you have packed. Unfortunately they test each bottle or container individually.
- The majority of the time I have traveled, I have been required to take McKenna out of her stroller, send the stroller through the scanner, and carry her through the metal detector. Most of the time there are very helpful people around you in line to assist you with putting your items on the conveyor belt, but other times that has not been the case. When no one is there to offer assistance it can be a bit of a struggle getting everything through security. Since I am carrying an infant, after going through the metal detector I am always asked by TSA to step aside so that my hands can be swabbed and tested.
I definitely had my hands full!
- Most of the time you will be travelling with your infant’s car seat. You can check your car seat with your luggage for free. I suggest buying a car seat cover to put the car seat in if you plan to do this. You don’t want your nice car seat to get dirty or damaged by the airline. I use one that is worn as a backpack. You can find it here: J.L. Childress Ultimate Backpack Padded Car Seat Travel Bag
. It comes in really handy, especially when you need your hands to push a stroller or pull your luggage. Remember if you are checking your car seat that you need to get there in time to check it just like you would any other piece of luggage. I would hate to arrive at my final destination without my car seat. Also don’t stuff anything extra in the car seat carrier. An airline agent informed me that people try to sneak extra items through this way so they are cracking down on this.
- Don’t over pack. If you are by yourself you have a child to carry or push around so I carry one piece of rolling luggage, one diaper bag, and small purse.
Part 2 coming soon… Subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss it!
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