Posted on December 12, 2016

Mommy and Me Monday – Navy Dresses

Fashion/ Little Me and Free/ Mommy and Me Monday

So it’s been a while since my last Mommy and Me Monday Post, and for that I am sorry! With the holidays and all the travel McKenna and I have been doing lately, it has been hard to keep up. For this Mommy and Me Monday post I am featuring an outfit we actually wore when the weather was still warm. How I miss the warm weather like it was when we wore our navy dresses.

This shoot was one of McKenna’s first, and all she wanted to do was explore the Art District of Downtown Dallas, where the shoot took place. It was her first time in that area and there is a lot of green space to investigate. Most of the shoot was spent with me chasing McKenna around, and her wanting to be held by our photographer, Vanessa. Luckily Vanessa was a good sport about it and it ended up being a lot of fun.

Now about our red purses… I bought my red Chanel wallet on a chain while I was in Paris at the original House of Chanel. I actually was pregnant with McKenna when I purchased it. McKenna has always loved my Chanel red purse ever since she was an infant, and also loved dragging it around the house. Unfortunately, it is no longer in its pristine condition; I guess that’s why they say you can’t have nice things when you have kids. Even so, I look forward to being able to pass it down to McKenna once she is older.

To prevent her from always wanting to use my purse, I purchased McKenna an identical mini Chanel inspired purse. It seemed to do the trick for a while, but then she always is drawn back to mine. It just goes to show sometimes we want what we can’t have.

With our red purses we wore our matching Adidas All-Stars and casual navy dresses. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I like wearing dresses with tennis shoes and this outfit was no exception.

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